The Tank is completely supported by individuals and organizations. Every component and need is provided by individuals or organizations such as Gateway Church Dallas.
Todays operational costs look like this:
$175.00 / month
Various licenses and subscriptions to cover: Audio, Video, Tablet accounts, Software renewal, Domain and web site costs.
$150.00 / month
Trainee materials: Manuals, Books, and Supplies. We provide for all of the needs of our incoming trainees.
$350.00 / month
Food giveaways and support of indigent volunteers in the station.
$250.00 / month
Approximate monthly cost of general repairs and equipment damage.
$125.00 / month
Consumables: Cables, Batteries, and Guest beverages.
$300.00 / month
Graduations: We graduate candidates who complete our training program with a graduation that includes not only a catered meal, but with certificates and diplomas that are submitted for parole considerations.
$200.00 / month
Actual content: Music, Videos, and Educational/Religious materials.
Allowing for variance, we today spend approximately $1500 to $2000 dollars per month to accomplish this most amazing thing called The Tank Nation.
We challenge you to find your place as a supporter. Be it by check or through The Tank Nation Fund GoFundMe – we thank you for your partnership in advance.
Programming Sponsorship Opportunities
We are excited to share several areas of sponsorship available to our partners here at The Tank.
Winks is a very impactful opportunity to give material support to both indigent general residents – as well as indigent volunteers who work for the station here. From our surprise HIDDEN CAMERA opportunities – to simply providing tangible material care for a person in need – Winks is an amazing opportunity to pay it forward.
The Tank incorporates the latest technology in sound and video engineering. The hope is that by teaching residents on viable tech we will create realistic job opportunities for residents in an already rich employment catagory like podcasting and sound productions/engineering Today residents learn skills on Behringer X32 Digital Mixers, Blackmagic Digital Cameras, GoPro Podcasting gear, Adobe editing software, PC fundamentals, presentation software, and so much more.
Gear and high end machines require expensive repairs, maintenance, and replacement – an area our partners have obviously generously supported us in as seen in these photos above.
By giving you allow us to expand our ability to provide critical skills to even more people trying to change their lives and become that productive citizen so many want to be.
The Tank is a game changer in every sense of the word. Doug Deason, founder of The Deason Foundation, said it best:
I could never have imagined this was taking place inside prison walls today…
Doug Deason – soldier for change.